Wirtschaftsrecht Literaturhinweise

Company Law in Iran

Autor: Mahmoud ERFANI
ISBN: 964-7896-43-3
Hersteller / Verlag: Nashr-e Mizaan: Tehran (2003)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Kommentar: Company Law in Iran

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Technologietransfer von Deutschland nach der Islamischen Republik Iran

Hersteller / Verlag: Peter Lang: Frankfurt aM. (1997) 461 S.
Erscheinungsjahr: 1997
Kommentar: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Technologietransfer von Deutschland nach der Islamischen Republik Iran

INVESTING IN THE IRANIAN OIL & GAS INDUSTRY: From a Business and Legal Perspective

Autor: Alexander BREXENDORFF und Christian ULE
Hersteller / Verlag: Oil&Gas Journal Executive Reports (2005)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2005
Kommentar: After years of political instability, Iran has been identified as a high priority market for the oil and gas sector. This is a result of the current and anticipated high level of investment, in both the oil and gas sectors. The focus will be on how to increase oil production from existing fields, develop new oil and gas fields and increase the capacity of the country's refining and petrochemical sector to meet domestic requirements. Large reserves of both oil and gas ensure that this market represents a long-term business opportunity, which will progress as foreign investment is secured. Currently Iran is the fourth largest oil producer globally with approx. 9% of the world’s oil. Oil production is important to the country, contributing 30% of the state budget and 80% of hard currency. 14.9% of the world's gas reserves are also found in Iran placing the country second only to Russia worldwide. Still, the petroleum industry's contribution to the state's gross domestic product (GDP) counts for only 8%, and is much below the 30-40% that the industry contributed prior to the conflict between Iran and Iraq. The aim of this paper is to identify the foreign investment opportunities in the Iran energy and petroleum (E&P) sectors. The structure to achieve this is as follows: First, an overview of the history of foreign investment in the Iranian Petroleum sector will be provided. This will include a brief description of the sanctions imposed by the US government. Secondly, an analysis of the oil and gas reserves and petrochemical industry in Iran will be completed. It will be shown that energy products produced in Iran account for a considerable amount of worldwide consumption already, despite growth opportunities being available. Thirdly, a broad analysis of the Iranian laws which may affect potential foreign investment will occur. The final section will consider the buy-back agreement, the most commonly used form of agreement that the Iranian government concludes with foreign investors for energy and petroleum projects. In the examination, the principle features of the agreement and the identifiable shortcomings will be focused upon.

Investitionsführer Iran / Golfstaaten

Autor: Stefan G. BECKER und Christian ULE
Hersteller / Verlag: F.A.Z. Institut / F.A.Z. Institut, Frankfurt am Main (April 2002) 200 S.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Kommentar: Der Investitionsführer Iran/Golfstaaten gibt zunächst einen Überblick über die politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Gesamtregion, die Rolle der Region für den Weltölmarkt sowie Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Bankensysteme. Es folgt eine Einzeldarstellung der rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen in den Staaten Bahrain, Irak, Iran, Kuwait, Katar, Saudi-Arabien sowie der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

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